Advancements in Computational Methods for Solving Structural Dynamics Problems

Amit Shishodia


Significant difficulties come with structural dynamics problems in a variety of engineering fields, such as mechanical, aerospace, and civil. The need for dependable, precise, and economical computational techniques to handle these problems has fueled ongoing progress in the area. This paper highlights the benefits, drawbacks, and uses of recent improvements in computational techniques for tackling structural dynamics issues. We talk about meshless methods, finite element methods (FEM), boundary element methods (BEM), and novel techniques like reduced-order modeling and machine learning. We also address their integration with high-performance computer systems, optimization procedures, and multi-physics simulations. We want to clarify the state-of-the-art in computational techniques for structural dynamics by conducting this comprehensive review and suggest future lines of exploration.


Finite element methods, boundary element methods, computational, IGA, CAD


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