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Predicting the Transport of Methylococcus Influences Variation of Two-Dimensional Velocity in Woji River

Eluozo S. N, Nwaoburu A. O


Methylococcus deposition was monitored at different location of Woji River. The study was carried out to monitor the rate of Methylococcus deposition in the environment; such a process is carried out to determine the rate of concentration from various points of sources of discharge in the environment. The developed model was applied to predict various rates of concentration considering different rates of discharge at different monitoring points. The system monitored these transport processes and observed velocity to be a predominant influential factor that determined various concentrations of Methylococcus in the river. The study expressed exponential phase in all the figures. These are based on the rate of velocity reflection on the transport process of the contaminant. The velocity of flows that expresses its reflection influence experienced the impact from this dimensions. The pressure from the cross-sectional shape of the river that also dictates how much friction will impact the flow of water within the river was also evaluated. Finally, the sediment loads, or the amount of rocks and soil in the river, were observed to influence the velocity flow and shape. Other influential factors are the temperature, pressure humidity, and gas mixture of the river. This affects the density including viscosity, density of the fluid, change in fluid temperature that varies the viscosity and density of fluid. This was observed from the system simulation. The study is imperative because it has expressed other important factors that influenced the velocity of flow on Methylococcus transport in Woji River. The predictive and experimental values were subjected to model validation, and both parameters developed best-fit correlation.


contamination, Methylococcus, river, two-dimensional velocity, water pollution, Methylococcus

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