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Development and Fabrication of Capsees

Ashik Sebeesh, Athil Rasheed, Eldhose Skaria, Anoop Joy


Although the development of tools for visually impaired individuals is not a new problem, the field of computer-aided tools is still evolving. The primary objective of these systems is to assist users in independent navigation without relying on a second person. While there are existing works utilizing computer vision techniques, none of them can address all the fundamental needs of blind individuals. Current systems are typically designed for specific purposes, lacking comprehensive functionality. This project proposes a novel method that combines key aspects of various useful methods while incorporating additional capabilities to assist visually impaired individuals. By doing so, this new system aims to address some of the major challenges still faced by blind individuals. Furthermore, a comparative analysis is conducted to compare and evaluate the proposed system against existing navigation methods. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide an assistive technology called capsees, which enables blind or visually impaired individuals to navigate their surroundings, especially in potentially hazardous situations. Capsees is designed to easily navigate paths and detect obstacles, offering an innovative and cost-effective solution tailored to the specific needs of visually impaired persons, particularly in disaster scenarios.


Computer vision, Assistive technology, WHO, Capsees, Raspberry Pi

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