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A Case Study: Implementation of Kaizen as an Improvement Tool in Manufacturing Company

Nitish Munjal, Yatan Nagpal


In the age of competitive and global world, quality and productivity are becoming the main parameters of any organisation. In order to survive in the global market, desired output has to be obtained by the companies with good quality and low cost so as to maximize profit. For attaining the desired goal, manufacturing companies had to face certain challenges and obstacles such as increase in waste, down time in production, safety and security of workers and improper working conditions. To ensure overall improvement in the organisation and to overcome above challenges, the use of Kaizen as an improvement tool in total quality management proves to be very effective and efficient. This paper deals with the case study of implementation of Kaizen in manufacturing and automotive company by the company itself to
improve overall productivity, quality and working environment of the company by eliminating waste and reducing cost. 5S methodology as a part of Kaizen are also being discussed with the use of before and after pictures implemented by the company.


Kaizen, quality improvement, case study, waste elimination, 5S

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