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Lean Manufacturing Applications in Beverage and Food Industries

Mugdha Dongre


The concept of lean manufacturing was created to maximise resource usage by reducing waste; however, lean was later evolved in response to the changing and competitive business environment. Due to the fast-paced nature of business, the moulding industry is increasingly focused on developing new products that are not only visually appealing but also competitive in terms of quality and price. The current study focuses on food industrial manufacturing using a lean thinking approach. Lean manufacturing's overall goal is to assist people in the food sector in improving their performance. Lean manufacturing is a set of approaches that, when properly implemented, can boost the productivity of a factory, a department, or even a single production line or machine. The Lean manufacturing processes are logical, and as they are implemented, they may be looked on as a path toward a more efficient future. The purpose of this research study is to analyze the factors that prevent small and medium size food sector from implementing lean manufacturing processes and show, that by not implementing lean they are missing flow that help them to Reduce nonvalue added activity.


Cashew industry, 5s, Waste, Cleanliness, Lean manufacturing

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