A Review on Metal Matrix Hybrid Composite Al/SiC/Gr

Pardeep Sharma


In a material composite, when the matrix is a metal or an alloy, then it is known as “metal matrix composite” (MMC). The matrix is basically a metal, but hardly ever a pure one. Except sparing cases, it is generally an alloy. This paper deals with various literature reviews carried on SiC, Gr and hybrid-reinforced composites. After the study of literature review, research gaps were identified, and based on the research gaps, the objectives of the research work were decided. In this paper, a review of cast aluminum matrix composites reinforced with various reinforcements is done. This paper is representing the classification of composites, properties and categories of multiphase composite along with the effect of reinforcement on MMCs. Also, focus on the role of MMC in the field of engineering and technology. This paper also gave a brief review on Al/Sic/Gr–metal matrix hybrid composite along with advantages and disadvantages of MMC materials.


Al/SiC/Gr; aluminum matrix composites; MMC; multiphase composite; reinforcement

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Pardeep Sharma. A Review on Metal Matrix Hybrid Composite Al/SiC/Gr. International Journal of Electro Mechanics and Mechanical Behaviour. 2019; 1(2): 1–10p.


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