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Integrated Study Model of Optimization and Lean Manufacturing in an Automobile Industry

Shubham Sharma, Manjeet Bhoat


Lean Manufacturing is the part of production optimization and management. A study or a research is being carried out helps in system optimization. When a system is developed to utilize the best from the negligible, then some of the production optimization measures are used for result. A case study on lean manufacturing is being carried on of the Him Teknoforge Ltd Industry is being carried out. To provide a sharp and distinct understanding and embodiment of how Company in the Machining industry work with improvements in general and Lean in particular. An extensive integration lean manufacturing model has been explained. An extended definition, of the Company Integration and how it plays a critical role in a company’s performance with regard to its internal interaction. Collecting data was done by conducting case studies of a total of the factory. The data was then compiled and categorized in order to provide a summarized comprehensible representation of all data. The result, in addition to achieving the Purpose above, is two management Tools that are direct descendants of their respective topics, aiming to solve problems related to them.


Lean, Production, Manufacturing, Improvement, People and Partners, Lean Problem Solving.

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