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Modelling the barriers of ISO 14001 implementation in small and medium scale manufacturing industries using ISM-FUZZY MICMAC approach

Utkarsh Kaushik, Amit Gupta


In this paper, various barriers of ISO 14001 have been identified and then an integrated model of these barriers has been developed by using interpretive structural modelling (ISM) methodology and fuzzy MICMAC. Ranking of these barriers has been obtained. The barrier has further been classified into four categories namely autonomous, linkage, dependent and independent according to their driver power and dependence. A Fuzzy MICMAC structural model has been developed. Environmental administration practices can bring monetary advantages for associations because of expanded items costs notwithstanding diminished expenses and to give a reasonable and thorough picture on the ability and to consider compromise among expenses and advantages for carrying out ISO 14001 - based EMS, the expenses are huge and financial execution is normally the main driver for companies that wish to execute ecological administration practice. This undertaking is identified with distinguishing proof and prioritization of the different obstructions of ISO 14001. It incorporates numerous norms, like ISO 9000, ISO 14001:2015 is the most famous in the family, and is the lone that an associations can be affirmed. To distinguish the hindrances complete writing audit has been done and the obstructions structure in the writing has been summed up. In this way, adjusted interpretive underlying demonstrating approach is utilized to focus on the recognized the boundaries.


Fuzzy MICMAC,ISM Technique , ISO 9000 , Reachability Matrix , EMS

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