Research Insight: Impact of Indoor Polluted Air on Health

Nibha Singh


The health effects of air pollution have been subject to intense study in recent years. Exposure to pollutants such as airborne participate matter and ozone has been associated with increases in mortality and hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular disease. These effects have been found in short-term studies, which relate day-to-day variations in air pollution and health, and long-term studies, which have followed cohorts of exposed individuals over time.


Bruce N, Rehfuess E, Mehta S, et al., Indoor Air Pollution, Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd Edition

Spengler, John D., Indoor Air Pollution, Allergy and Asthma Proceedings, OceanSide Publications, Inc, 1985; Volume 6, Number 2, 126-134 pp.

Bert Brunekreef, Stephen T Holgate, Air pollution and health, THE LANCET, 2002; Volume 360, Issue 9341, 1233–1242pp.

Nigel Bruce, Rogelio Perez-Padilla, Rachel Albalak,



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