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A Study on Effectiveness of Buzz marketing Campaign and its Impact on product marketing

P. Megala Devi, A. Karthikeyan


The Study on buzz marketing ,an expansion of advertising field in its growth phase is a field of interest by most marketers around the world . The object of this communication is to contribute to the comprehension of the effectiveness of a buzz marketing campaign, to determine its contribution to advertising and to analyze the relationship between the brand and the consumer. We also propose an abstract model to establish an explicit and a direct connection between buzz marketing and the variables that measure its effectiveness. We examine the moderating role of involvement on these variables. The review of the literature of this present research demonstrates that the effectiveness of buzz marketing will be analyzed through the main objects pursued by companies usually namely: image to the brand, awareness to the brand and purchasing decision.

Keywords: Buzz marketing, image, awareness, purchasing decision, involvement.

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