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Forefronts in Wear of Tires, Remnant Usage and Friction Surfacing

Bangshidhar Goswami, S. K. Prasad, J. Kumar, P. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Kumari, A. Mohan, D. Kumar, S. Mohanty


Wear of tyres is optimized from high temperature operation in mine trucks. Disposal of wear out tyres has traditions of landfill. In order to reuse wear out tyres granulation has favored to produce fuel for cement industries. Sub-products are formed like production of floors, artificial lawn, and industrial molds. Pollution of tyres and dust appear from NOx, SOx, CO2 emissions and PM10. Major areas of tyre maintenance are conditions, operations, maintenance and performance. Hazards in associated steel and textile of pulverized tyres are sometimes favored for sub-products or disfavored to favor landfills. Frictions surfacing of roads favor calcined bauxite to be mostly promising to assess skid resistance. Methods of vehicle operations increase life of tyres like travel speeds, cornering speeds, gear changes, obstacle avoidance, braking methods, acceleration methods and vehicle positioning.


Tire; Wear; Rubber; Eco-toxicity; Risk assessment; Skid resistance; Pulverization; Textile fabrics; Steel; Mine haulage; Shock absorbance; End-of-life vehicles

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Cite this Article: Bangshidhar Goswami, S.K. Prasad, J. Kumar, P. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Kumari, A. Mohan, D. Kumar, and S. Mohanty. Forefronts in Wear of Tires, Remnant usage and Friction Surfacing. International Journal of Fracture and Damage Mechanics. 2019; 5(2): 29–41p.


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